FAQ - Questions and Answers About Containers

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Container is a basic unit of modular construction. Thanks to their solid structure based on steel frames you can create systems consisting of many objects. They can be connected both in series and vertically. The vertical construction requires the use of stairs. The important feature of containers is the possibility to combine units which differ in terms of functionality, so that the created modular facility cane have all the amenities you need. What is more, it is the client who decides what type of modules he wants. As a result, it is possible to combine office, standard and sanitary containers.

All modular constructions can be composed of an unlimited number of containers. The only limit is the area on which they have to be installed. What is more, the possibility to connect them in a row or vertically increases the number of containers which can be used.

Yes. It is much cheaper to build a container than a standard building with similar functions and parameters. What is more, the whole process is shorter, and the delivered object can be used immediately after being transported to the location indicated by the client and after connecting it to the power grid, or water and sewage system or data communication network.

An additional advantage of using containers is their mobility – they can be used in various locations and the owner can move them to any place they are needed at a given moment. Moreover, when the container is no longer needed, it can be resold on the secondary market, which also reduces the final cost of the purchase.

Sanitary containers and units with social facilities (kitchen) additionally require a water and sewage system. In case of office, commercial or exhibition modules, clients often decide to install an ICT system as well. You can also choose to install an air-conditioning and ventilation system.

In terms of interior design, we can provide a wide range of office furniture, cabinets, beds or hangers. When it comes to sanitary and social containers, we offer all sorts of devices and accessories produced by various manufacturers, so every client may find the right equipment.

Each sanitary container, regardless of its size, must have a system of water supply and sewage disposal. We produce modules equipped with a standard water and sewage hook-up, which can be connected to a public system. In case the container is located in a place where such infrastructure does not exist or there is no possibility to connect to it, we are renting water and sewage tanks that solve the problem of water supply and sewage disposal.